
My roommate hasnt paid his full share of the rent in like a year.

I have the means with the career that i started but shit if it isnt vexing, thought my animocity is NOT towards him. My roomie is like my brother so its honestly not a huge deal, i even discussed with him when we moved in that he could pay less because I can afford to pay more. 'From each according to their ability, to each according to their need' is a motto I live by. But I think it just really goes to show the insane inflation weve been made to endure… the beginning of the summer last year he was able to pay the full rent over a month (some here and the rest next paycheck) but for the last 4 or so months He cant even pay half. This month I had to send him what he sent me BACK because he wouldnt have any money for food,…

I have the means with the career that i started but shit if it isnt vexing, thought my animocity is NOT towards him. My roomie is like my brother so its honestly not a huge deal, i even discussed with him when we moved in that he could pay less because I can afford to pay more. 'From each according to their ability, to each according to their need' is a motto I live by.

But I think it just really goes to show the insane inflation weve been made to endure… the beginning of the summer last year he was able to pay the full rent over a month (some here and the rest next paycheck) but for the last 4 or so months He cant even pay half. This month I had to send him what he sent me BACK because he wouldnt have any money for food, gas etc.

Of course he could spend less. Of course he could stop drinking (he drinks less now since he doesnt have money). Or quit smoking cigs. Or shut himself in his room and never spend a penny except on rice and beans. But he works hard, and he has a partner so of course he should be able to take her out. Or enjoy some take out 1-2 times a week. Or buy fucking gas so he can go to work. Or buy fucking beer to enjoy after a long day!

Hes had one health problem after another. The reason I sent him his portion back this month is he went to the dock cuz he fucked up his back and paid 350 out of pocket for xrays. He HAS health insurance. But he works for a grocery store so its shit.

I have a cushy job in Industrial Automation making goooood money with great benefits. All I did was get a B- average in college and know someone who worked at this company to start this career. No prior experience, not even an engineering degree. But they hired me anyway.

He didnt go to college, grew up so poor he was malnourished sometimes, works his ass off but still cant get a leg up. Hes terrified to go back to school because he did so poorly in high school.

Tldr fuck capitalism, fuck the classification of 'unskilled labor' and fuck grocery stores.

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