
My shitty company made me come into work during the worst week of my life when my dog died.

This happened a few months ago, it’s just taken me some to get to terms with what happened but now I’m feeling enraged that I let it happen. I had booked time off in advance, which had been approved. This was due to my dog being very sick, and I had an appointment booked with the vet to have him put down. It happened, and I had decided to bury him myself so as I was loading him back into my car to return home work spam me with calls saying it’s an emergency and I had to come in. I just hung up. I wasn’t emotionally capable of anything at that point. I was almost home, maybe a few streets away when my boss called again and I picked up. He said if I did not come in to work I’d be fired for ‘insubordination and being untrustworthy’. I…

This happened a few months ago, it’s just taken me some to get to terms with what happened but now I’m feeling enraged that I let it happen.
I had booked time off in advance, which had been approved. This was due to my dog being very sick, and I had an appointment booked with the vet to have him put down.
It happened, and I had decided to bury him myself so as I was loading him back into my car to return home work spam me with calls saying it’s an emergency and I had to come in. I just hung up. I wasn’t emotionally capable of anything at that point. I was almost home, maybe a few streets away when my boss called again and I picked up. He said if I did not come in to work I’d be fired for ‘insubordination and being untrustworthy’. I panicked. I couldn’t find a new job with all of my dogs medical bills as well as my own rent etc. I’m not a big earner and things were already tight. I went in, worked the f***ing shift and left. All with my dead dog in my car.
Now that I reflect, it was the worst possible thing to do and I’m so angry at myself that I let it happen. I’m gonna take this to the legal team, but can I sue them for threatening to fire me without cause?

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