
My significant others work is doing alot of things that seem.. shady to me, can anyone help me identify possible problems?

First off, my significant other was berated and yelled at by a direct lead, numerous times, and when they went to HR they got asked if they were yelled at because “you don't follow directions,” asked a grown ass adult “do you understand what yelling is?,” and essentially insinuated that their job was at risk (because “we talked about this, you need to follow directions!”). This “following directions” was complete nonsense and felt like a threat. A recent employee report for my SO had no notes or complaints from supervisor, and was told that they consistently exceed expectations! They since then have not gone to HR for any reason due to it feeling like a useless pursuit. A note, this is not just my SO, but other employees, many having gone to hr about this lead, and the yelling was witnessed by another coworker. It's an open secret that the…

First off, my significant other was berated and yelled at by a direct lead, numerous times, and when they went to HR they got asked if they were yelled at because “you don't follow directions,” asked a grown ass adult “do you understand what yelling is?,” and essentially insinuated that their job was at risk (because “we talked about this, you need to follow directions!”). This “following directions” was complete nonsense and felt like a threat. A recent employee report for my SO had no notes or complaints from supervisor, and was told that they consistently exceed expectations! They since then have not gone to HR for any reason due to it feeling like a useless pursuit. A note, this is not just my SO, but other employees, many having gone to hr about this lead, and the yelling was witnessed by another coworker. It's an open secret that the lead is a bully, and even more well-known HR did very little about ANY complaints, preferring to downplay, obfuscate, or blame.

the issue i am writing about now however is happening as we speak, my significant other was told by coworkers that they are moving first shift (their shift) to second shift and they have until TOMORROW to make a decision, Show up at the new shift, or lose your job, however my SO hasn't been notified of anything as of yet, formally.

Anything other information people think is important, without breaking rules, i will include. ask any questions you may need. these ppl seem sketchy as hell, another employee was threatened by a supervisor “i was driving behind you yesterday and a light was out, You should be careful if you get into an accident, it will be your fault!” this was being YELLED to him, infront of other coworkers. Note, his tail lights worked just fine. The Supervisor was aggressively driving behind him when “he saw the light”.

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