
My smaller company merged with a slightly larger company

I just gotta fucking vent, this isn’t even political or anything. I worked at a SMALL company of 5 people, 3 employees and two co-owners. It was great, we all just acted like buddies, the energy was great, I legitimately loved my job. Well, we merged with one of our competitors who specializes in a slightly different area. Within a week they: Killed my employee discount. I used to get 50% off, now I get 10% off what I do for a living. Quadrupled my work load — note, they didn’t give me MORE work, rather just added hair-pulling bureaucracy to every step of my job that I was accomplishing perfectly well. None of the tools work. They replaced all our old stuff with their “standardized tools” and they’re just garbage. It’s all Bluetooth stuff that I’m pretty sure cost like $.99 from China. Constantly disconnecting and just spending 30m…

I just gotta fucking vent, this isn’t even political or anything. I worked at a SMALL company of 5 people, 3 employees and two co-owners. It was great, we all just acted like buddies, the energy was great, I legitimately loved my job.

Well, we merged with one of our competitors who specializes in a slightly different area. Within a week they:

  1. Killed my employee discount. I used to get 50% off, now I get 10% off what I do for a living.

  2. Quadrupled my work load — note, they didn’t give me MORE work, rather just added hair-pulling bureaucracy to every step of my job that I was accomplishing perfectly well.

  3. None of the tools work. They replaced all our old stuff with their “standardized tools” and they’re just garbage. It’s all Bluetooth stuff that I’m pretty sure cost like $.99 from China. Constantly disconnecting and just spending 30m chunks of time fussing with this stupid plastic thing.

  4. Longer hours, no leaving early – we used to basically show up to do the work and then go home when it was done. Now we’re locked in from 8-4:30 even if there’s nothing to do and we get a “verbal warning” if we’re late.

  5. I was about due a raise but that’s been postponed because I’m a “new employee”

And of course voicing any of this is met with a dismissive “haha you’ll get used to it”

I’m so livid right now. I thought I had it made and it just disappeared in the blink of an eye. I’ve been through some shit but knowing the future of my life is doing the same thing I’ve been doing but way shittier for the exact same amount of money is soul crushing.

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