
My SO is literally forced to work sick due to her employer’s “write-up” system.

I (M23) am beyond tired of my SO (F20) having to deal with her employer’s absolutely ridiculous “write-up” system that penalizes employees for literally ANY absence, regardless of circumstance. Essentially, if you miss work or call in/leave early you are given a “mark” of sorts on your employee profile and if the marks accumulate over a certain threshold, you are written-up which could lead to suspension or termination of your position. The thing is, these marks never seem to go away. She had to call in a few months ago because her vehicle was totaled in a car accident that WASN’T HER FAULT. Her employer still added marks on her profile for missing work. She hadn’t called into work in months and the marks she had from months ago were still present and she furthered herself towards suspension. Where the fuck do these abysmal employers feel they have a right…

I (M23) am beyond tired of my SO (F20) having to deal with her employer’s absolutely ridiculous “write-up” system that penalizes employees for literally ANY absence, regardless of circumstance.

Essentially, if you miss work or call in/leave early you are given a “mark” of sorts on your employee profile and if the marks accumulate over a certain threshold, you are written-up which could lead to suspension or termination of your position.

The thing is, these marks never seem to go away. She had to call in a few months ago because her vehicle was totaled in a car accident that WASN’T HER FAULT. Her employer still added marks on her profile for missing work. She hadn’t called into work in months and the marks she had from months ago were still present and she furthered herself towards suspension.

Where the fuck do these abysmal employers feel they have a right to punish people for things completely outside their control? My SO is currently working sick to avoid marks on her account. I’m at the point where I want to report these scumbags.

The worst part is, my SO understands that this crap is completely unfair and ridiculous, yet she still puts up with it anyway. She doesn’t need this job, she could find a new one tomorrow and be good to go with an employer that has some actual humanity.

I’m fuming right now at how absurd these people are, it makes me sick to my stomach.

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