
My Stepson Quit His Job and I’m 100% Ok With His Decision.

My Stepson has been struggling with his job for a while now. It paid a good salary for Indianapolis, 57k a year as a manager for a high end hotel and banquet facility. As the third assistant manager he worked the night shift for the banquet department. That meant wedding receptions, bachelor parties, professional gatherings and so on. The problem was the hours were all over the clock. One day he might start work at 4 pm and finish by 2 am. The next day day he would start at 7pm and be finished by 7am. You get the idea. It was also not an eight an 8hr shift, it was almost a 10 to 12 hour shift, and with him as a salaried manager that meant no overtime. The benefits were crap, $500.00 a month for health insurance, no retirement. Then there were the employees, all of whom were…

My Stepson has been struggling with his job for a while now. It paid a good salary for Indianapolis, 57k a year as a manager for a high end hotel and banquet facility. As the third assistant manager he worked the night shift for the banquet department. That meant wedding receptions, bachelor parties, professional gatherings and so on.

The problem was the hours were all over the clock. One day he might start work at 4 pm and finish by 2 am. The next day day he would start at 7pm and be finished by 7am. You get the idea. It was also not an eight an 8hr shift, it was almost a 10 to 12 hour shift, and with him as a salaried manager that meant no overtime. The benefits were crap, $500.00 a month for health insurance, no retirement.

Then there were the employees, all of whom were part-time on-call employee. Most were very good workers, and my Stepson loved working with them. But there was a constant group who were not. People who scheduled to work wouldn't bother to show up, or call in early enough so a substitute could be brought in. People would show up to work stoned or drunk. Or would go out for lunch and come back stoned or drunk. The work had to get done so my Stepson then had to do their job as well as his job. When he complained to his supervisor he was met with indifference.

He finally gave his two week notice when the Director of Catering told him to shut the F*&k up and stop being a baby. Now he works three part-time jobs making more than he did before as a salaried manager with less hours and fewer headaches.

Do I want him to have a full-time job that pays well with good benefits? Yes, I do. But I don't want him abused, and working ridiculous hours all over the day. So I am 100% behind his decision to quit and try something else.

BTW I would like everyone to have a full-time job that pay well and has good benefits.

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