
My supervisor approved my vacation 4 months ago and now that I’m less than one month away from vacation, my LWOP request is denied.

Backstory: I’ve been contracting for an agency for a year now and last month the office that I worked out of “loved my work so much” that they wanted me to transfer from my contracting agency to a temp position directly for the company. Initially they tried to underpay me saying that’s all they could offer me, I declined. They came back a couple of weeks later saying they miraculously found money in the budget to pay me equivalent to the work I’m producing. I took the offer because I could get sick time which I couldn’t get with my contracting agency. Fast forward to one month later as a temp employee, the vacation request I put in 4 months ago was denied because “I’m technically a new employee because I transferred.” LWOP at that, I wasn’t asking for compensation – just for the week off so I can have…

Backstory: I’ve been contracting for an agency for a year now and last month the office that I worked out of “loved my work so much” that they wanted me to transfer from my contracting agency to a temp position directly for the company. Initially they tried to underpay me saying that’s all they could offer me, I declined. They came back a couple of weeks later saying they miraculously found money in the budget to pay me equivalent to the work I’m producing. I took the offer because I could get sick time which I couldn’t get with my contracting agency.
Fast forward to one month later as a temp employee, the vacation request I put in 4 months ago was denied because “I’m technically a new employee because I transferred.” LWOP at that, I wasn’t asking for compensation – just for the week off so I can have a vacation.
SB: My supervisor has remained the same contracting and temp.
My office is understaffed and overworked. 1 person is doing the work of 3 people easily.
I wouldn’t have taken the temp position if I knew this could happen.

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