
My supervisor told some of my colleagues that she would rather not have me back on the team

Hello. Sorry about any formatting issues. On mobile. Also the obligatory English is not my first language disclaimer I work in a relatively in demand field. I am part of an amazing team about 16 people. Within our team we have the same base pay, but there is increased PTO, job flexibility and some allowances with seniority and performance. There is a supervisor(S) overseeing us, and the CEO above her. I recently joined back after enjoying my maternity leave with the little one. Before rejoining I had a sit down with my CEO and discussion about me needing more flexibility in my hours. CEO was very supportive and was encouraging me to take on a more senior role within my team which would come with more responsibility but lesser hours and a slight pay bump. The position was going to be available in a couple months. The job is basically…

Hello. Sorry about any formatting issues. On mobile. Also the obligatory English is not my first language disclaimer

I work in a relatively in demand field. I am part of an amazing team about 16 people. Within our team we have the same base pay, but there is increased PTO, job flexibility and some allowances with seniority and performance.

There is a supervisor(S) overseeing us, and the CEO above her.

I recently joined back after enjoying my maternity leave with the little one.

Before rejoining I had a sit down with my CEO and discussion about me needing more flexibility in my hours. CEO was very supportive and was encouraging me to take on a more senior role within my team which would come with more responsibility but lesser hours and a slight pay bump. The position was going to be available in a couple months. The job is basically mine if I want it when it is up.

I was discussing this with my colleague when he pulled a face and told me that S had already told him and that she basically told him that she didn’t want me on the team.

Our company has an unofficial policy that mothers with young kids can opt out of doing overnight shifts until the kids are 2 years of age. So her reasoning is that I would just be dead weight since I would be opting out of overnight shifts. And she was also talking about how I didn’t have to work because my husband has a very lucrative career.

The weird part about this is that she herself has 2 kids and was able to make use of the benefit when her kids were small.

After hearing this I feel very uneasy working under her. I’ve always known that she doesn’t have much love for me, but to know that she wants me off the team hits different.

I am now wondering what to do. Do I confront her? Do I do nothing? Do I go to the CEO?

To quit and get a job elsewhere has also crossed my mind. As I said my field is a very in demand field and I could get employment easily elsewhere. But I worry I might not have the rapport I have with my current team.

***Also to clarify. Opting out of doing night shifts don’t negatively affect the company because night shit pays more so there’s no shortage of staff wanting to do night shifts

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