
My Supervisor was forced to return to work tonight despite having Covid.

As the title says. Last Saturday, my supervisor started running a fever at work. She tested positive for covid. The best part is that she was apparently hiding that she was sick for 3 days before. She came to work, didn't wear a mask, didn't distance herself from everyone else and just carried on as if everything was fine. If it hadn't been for her sudden fever, she would've never even taken a covid test. She's been out since Saturday but tonight she came back to work despite the fact that it had only been 4 days since her positive test and despite the fact that she was CLEARLY still sick. She threw up in a trash can right in the middle of the break room. Quickly after MANY people (including myself) went home due to safety concerns. I had a chat with my assistant supervisor before I left and…

As the title says. Last Saturday, my supervisor started running a fever at work. She tested positive for covid. The best part is that she was apparently hiding that she was sick for 3 days before. She came to work, didn't wear a mask, didn't distance herself from everyone else and just carried on as if everything was fine. If it hadn't been for her sudden fever, she would've never even taken a covid test. She's been out since Saturday but tonight she came back to work despite the fact that it had only been 4 days since her positive test and despite the fact that she was CLEARLY still sick. She threw up in a trash can right in the middle of the break room. Quickly after MANY people (including myself) went home due to safety concerns. I had a chat with my assistant supervisor before I left and learned that the reason my super came in was because she received an email from our plant manger. This email allegedly she had to return regardless of her covid status. I may be fired tomorrow for leaving but I honestly don't care. It baffles me how reckless of an action it was for our plant manger to KNOWINGLY expose the whole plant to Covid-19 simply because he didn't want to deal with a week of low production rates. Well good luck with those rates now because half the shift left.

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