
My Take on Amazon!

Alright, so here is my take on working at an Amazon warehouse. I start this weekend, so there is that. Give me a week and I will probably update everyone on whether I think this is still true. My bias: I am a physically fit, fast walker, I like doing one task at a time, and then switching tasks. Anyway, I would argue that Amazon exploits its workers far less than other workplaces. Now hear me out. I am a guy who is way too well educated. I admit: I got a Bachelor's in Earth Science (geology for science teachers), but I wasn't really interested in teaching, so I immediately applied for a Master's in Museum Studies (I wanted to work in designing exhibits, working with artifacts, or something). I am a heavily introverted guy. I talk to people, but mostly about books and things. Anyway, I completed my Masters…

Alright, so here is my take on working at an Amazon warehouse. I start this weekend, so there is that. Give me a week and I will probably update everyone on whether I think this is still true. My bias: I am a physically fit, fast walker, I like doing one task at a time, and then switching tasks.

Anyway, I would argue that Amazon exploits its workers far less than other workplaces. Now hear me out.

I am a guy who is way too well educated. I admit: I got a Bachelor's in Earth Science (geology for science teachers), but I wasn't really interested in teaching, so I immediately applied for a Master's in Museum Studies (I wanted to work in designing exhibits, working with artifacts, or something).

I am a heavily introverted guy. I talk to people, but mostly about books and things. Anyway, I completed my Masters in a year, and was then back home.

I worked hard to get a job in a museum, both in the UK (where I got my Masters) and back in the US. I never got a paid job in a museum out of that, but I consider myself fortunate. From what I saw from my peers from Facebook is that most of them couldn't get more than 6 month contracts! People with experience and a Master's degree couldn't get more than that!

What I saw from interning and volunteering wasn't any better. I got to see the inner workings and guys, these places barely function. They lack funding, resources, and quite often people to get things done. By the end of about three years trying I waved it good bye.

My next job was teaching English in South Korea, which was AMAZING!

Then I was back to the US in 5 years. I did some customer service, and let me tell you customers are horrible, especially if you are NOT an extrovert like me. I have been doing it for the past 3 years, worked for several different stores and companies, they all suck. Customers are horrible. Managers are horrible. You are told how replaceable you are. Everything sucks.

Why, because it is not a skilled job.

And here is where I get to my final point. What is a skilled job: it is a job where you have a skill that is valued that gives you value to a company.

Now you could say that being a curator is a skilled job, right, as well as one that requires considerable schooling. But there are no jobs! If you want to be one, and you have no connections, you are basically screwed.

I would much rather learn skills at a job, such as a warehouse, where you learn things in house, that can be applied to future jobs.

Does walking quickly around a warehouse suck? I imagine it does. I'll find out. Does doing the same task over and over, suck. Again, I imagine it does.

I would much prefer it to the chaos of multitasking in a smaller store, though. Especially when managers generally don't train you properly and you are at the mercy of customers.

So, that is my take. Sure an Amazon warehouse may not be great, but Amazon pays more than almost anyone else in the industry, you don't have to deal with stupid customers, you basically get to work on your own and complete the tasks your manager sets for you (what I do best), and you can learn skills on the job you can use for future jobs.

Sounds awesome to me after years of supposedly “better” jobs that led nowhere.

That's my take. Let's see if I change my mind.

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