
My take on the 10 things that don’t require skill- from a manager.

Being On Time Bullshit. Live by the same rules as the people you supervise. Are they in the office? Well, you should be too. If you don’t want to do what you are asking of others, you need to reevaluate what you are doing. Making an Effort Fine, but be the example. Follow through. Offer something? Deliver. Doesn’t matter if it is a bonus or a cookie, deliver on what you promise. Oh- and if you fuck up and didn’t get approval for perk? Make it right. Sometimes, that means you must cover it. Don’t make your fuckups your employee’s problem. Being High Energy No. Recognize work and appreciate it. I’ll take an infinite number of groggy competent folk who need coffee and grumble about shit over one hyper “people-person” that doesn’t fix anything. Results matter. Find what works for your people and find a way to make it good…

Being On Time
Bullshit. Live by the same rules as the people you supervise. Are they in the office? Well, you should be too. If you don’t want to do what you are asking of others, you need to reevaluate what you are doing.

Making an Effort
Fine, but be the example. Follow through. Offer something? Deliver. Doesn’t matter if it is a bonus or a cookie, deliver on what you promise. Oh- and if you fuck up and didn’t get approval for perk? Make it right. Sometimes, that means you must cover it. Don’t make your fuckups your employee’s problem.

Being High Energy
No. Recognize work and appreciate it. I’ll take an infinite number of groggy competent folk who need coffee and grumble about shit over one hyper “people-person” that doesn’t fix anything. Results matter. Find what works for your people and find a way to make it good for the customers. Sometimes, that’s the “high energy” person in front.

See? They can have a use!

Having a Positive Attitude
You know what? If you are actually doing your job, folks will have a positive attitude. They want to take time off and you not just approve, but support it? Positive attitude. Terrible customers that you get in front of to support your staff? Positive attitude.

The attitude of the folks working with/for you is dependent on YOU.

Being Passionate
No. Just fuck off. Don’t use my love/enjoyment of something against my guys. Stop making finding joy a perk, it should be the norm. Don't try to fucking exploit it.

Using Good Body Language
OK, I think HR wrote the original list. Whatever. Just try and smile.

Being Coachable
Work with your guys, don’t just watch. Seriously, get off your ass and help. Doesn’t matter what, show that you came from the trenches by working in them every so often. Want to really coach? Do the dumpster runs with your people.

Doing a Little Extra:
Make compensatory time a real and valuable thing. If they put in extra for you, put in extra for them. Sometimes, that is overtime. Sometimes, that is PTO. Either way, respect their sacrifice. Record it, and make sure they get their due.

Being Prepared:
If your manager is doing things right, you don’t need to be prepared for the unexpected.

However, there are too many places where “be prepared” really means “cover your manager’s ass.”

If you are in a good place, this is silly, if not, get out.

Have a Strong Work Ethic:
If you are at work, do your job. Work for as long as you are paid for.

When someone is off, respect it. If you really need them, make it worth coming in.

This is a bullshit phrase designed to make you make up for the failings of leadership.

If they are behind, they should have had more people. If deadlines are being missed, they should have (at the very fucking least) accounted for overtime.

Salary is not an excuse for abuse. Most folks on salary are expected to do way more than they can in 40 hours.

You are getting paid for 40 hours.

Stop giving your life away, and don't make your people.

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