
My third job at a SUD rehab, and my third time they are breaking the law. I’m not being properly compensated for overtime hours, I let them know Tuesday the issue, Friday is when my boss called the CFO (who has been on all emails since Tuesday) and they told me they won’t fix it since they follow —>

What ADP recommends. They told me to call ADP and if ADP agrees with me, they will fix it. I call ADP and spend an hour on the phone with them explaining the issue. They agree and say the issue is with my profile configuration in ADP. They tell me a supervisor needs to call ADP so they can walk them through how to fix it. I email them back and let them know what to do at 11 am. I haven’t heard anything back yet. Since Tuesday is when the CFO, head of HR, and my boss are on all emails regarding the issue i found with my overtime hours not calculating. Basically ADP only recognized when I work over 8 hours as overtime, but not when I work over 40 hours in a work week. I also have 5 hours of a shift deleted. So because of all…

What ADP recommends. They told me to call ADP and if ADP agrees with me, they will fix it. I call ADP and spend an hour on the phone with them explaining the issue. They agree and say the issue is with my profile configuration in ADP. They tell me a supervisor needs to call ADP so they can walk them through how to fix it. I email them back and let them know what to do at 11 am. I haven’t heard anything back yet. Since Tuesday is when the CFO, head of HR, and my boss are on all emails regarding the issue i found with my overtime hours not calculating. Basically ADP only recognized when I work over 8 hours as overtime, but not when I work over 40 hours in a work week. I also have 5 hours of a shift deleted. So because of all the 12 hour shifts I’ve been pulling to make up for their lack of staff, my shifts on Friday should be all overtime. ADP confirmed my calculations, which is that I’m short about $600 due to this issue. The pay periods are the 1st-15th, and 16th-last day of month. Another thing to note is that I work 11:30pm to 8 am and clock out for a break I don’t get to take from 2:30-3 since I work alone overnight. They make me clock out so they don’t have to pay me the extra hour for not being able to take a break. I am in CA, and labor laws are strict. This happened at my last job too that I have a post about. So anyway, I’m supposed to be paid Tuesday, but the issue that they knew about for 3 days before time sheets are submitted was never fixed bc they didn’t take it seriously. What do I do? I get paid well and like my job so want to be as nice and polite as possible which I have been throughout this entire ordeal, but the lack of communication and timeliness is pissing me tf off. I was going to send an email on Monday asking if the issue has been fixed yet and if it will reflect on my paycheck and if not, what they are going to do to make up for $600 I’m missing as it could have been fixed before timesheets were due on Friday because I sent emails about it on Tuesday. I feel like they should just me a check for the money and I shouldn’t. Have to wait another 2+ weeks for my next paycheck to see the money. Please help, I’m so frustrated that these places just break labor laws left and right don’t take these issues seriously.

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