
my time has value

My time has value. Everyone's time has value. Except, apparently, when you are waiting on a medical appointment. This isn't exactly a complaint about employers or companies, so I apologize… But I'm really sick and tired of doctors just acting like their time is infinitely more valuable than anyone else's. Why is it acceptable to give me an appointment time, only to make me wait an hour past my time, then see me for 5 seconds and bill me a shit ton of money? Not only have I now lost work/personal time beyond what I originally budgeted for this appointment, but you've basically dismissed me as a person with any value at all.

My time has value. Everyone's time has value. Except, apparently, when you are waiting on a medical appointment. This isn't exactly a complaint about employers or companies, so I apologize… But I'm really sick and tired of doctors just acting like their time is infinitely more valuable than anyone else's. Why is it acceptable to give me an appointment time, only to make me wait an hour past my time, then see me for 5 seconds and bill me a shit ton of money? Not only have I now lost work/personal time beyond what I originally budgeted for this appointment, but you've basically dismissed me as a person with any value at all.

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