
My training manager yells at entire crew

Long story short, I got a new job as a manager at a restaurant. They sent me off to train in a different city for five weeks. During the interview process, they went on and on about how we don't yell at our crew members. If they mess up, we're supposed to treat it as a learning opportunity. Under no circumstances are we supposed to be mean to our crew. Fast forward a few weeks, I'm in the new city starting my training. Turns out the store manager is treating everyone like garbage. She yells at the staff and when someone complains about her behavior, they're told to grow thicker skin by her assistant. Even attempts by other managers in training to correct her behavior through other channels have gone unheard. Even when she's not yelling, she's extremely rude and condescending. It's hard to convey her level of rudeness over…

Long story short, I got a new job as a manager at a restaurant. They sent me off to train in a different city for five weeks. During the interview process, they went on and on about how we don't yell at our crew members. If they mess up, we're supposed to treat it as a learning opportunity. Under no circumstances are we supposed to be mean to our crew.

Fast forward a few weeks, I'm in the new city starting my training. Turns out the store manager is treating everyone like garbage. She yells at the staff and when someone complains about her behavior, they're told to grow thicker skin by her assistant. Even attempts by other managers in training to correct her behavior through other channels have gone unheard.

Even when she's not yelling, she's extremely rude and condescending. It's hard to convey her level of rudeness over text, but believe me when I say that if I were part of her crew I would have already walked out the door. She even told one manager in training that she has to “be more mean to the crew.”
Some crew members have confided in me that they want to walk out the door. Another crew member said he was being treated differently by her because of race and other crew members agreed that he was being treated differently.

I'm at a loss and don't know what to do. I have a conversation with my manager, not the training manager but the one I'll actually be working with, in a couple hours and I'm afraid of retaliation or losing this really good opportunity. However, no job is worth that level of abuse. What would you all do in my position?

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