
My wages haven’t increased since I graduated in 2017 & I don’t know how I’m going to afford paying for student loans again come January

Unfortunately, the $10k of debt isn’t enough… I’ll be going from $47k to $37k. Sometimes I wish I would’ve gone to trade school instead. I can’t believe how they con 18 year olds into signing their lives away. I’ve had multiple jobs since 2017 and my wages haven’t really increased. Do I get a Masters? Would it even help? I don’t know how I’m ever going to be able to do the things I want – travel, get out of my tiny ass apartment, live how I want to live if I can’t get a job that pays me my worth.

Unfortunately, the $10k of debt isn’t enough… I’ll be going from $47k to $37k. Sometimes I wish I would’ve gone to trade school instead. I can’t believe how they con 18 year olds into signing their lives away. I’ve had multiple jobs since 2017 and my wages haven’t really increased. Do I get a Masters? Would it even help? I don’t know how I’m ever going to be able to do the things I want – travel, get out of my tiny ass apartment, live how I want to live if I can’t get a job that pays me my worth.

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