
My wife spent 6 hours cleaning up a fentanyl spill

My wife works for a company that tests pharmaceuticals for contaminates. Their policy at work is “whoever finds the mess cleans it up.” She reached into a cabinet to grab a sample, because someone didn't fill out a sample sheet properly, and pulled out the sample. It and her glove it covered in some sort of liquid. She started search for what was leaking and found not 1, but 2 busted containers of fentanyl solution. This was approximately 1 liter in total. 10 micrograms of fentanyl in total. Enough to kill 5 people and it's absorbable through the skin in this solution. Her boss wasn't in the office so a Senior employee supervised her while she cleaned the mess for 6 hours. No one else would go near the cabinet because of the inherent danger. During the cleaning some liquid from a container got splashed on her face. Luckily this…

My wife works for a company that tests pharmaceuticals for contaminates. Their policy at work is “whoever finds the mess cleans it up.” She reached into a cabinet to grab a sample, because someone didn't fill out a sample sheet properly, and pulled out the sample. It and her glove it covered in some sort of liquid. She started search for what was leaking and found not 1, but 2 busted containers of fentanyl solution. This was approximately 1 liter in total. 10 micrograms of fentanyl in total. Enough to kill 5 people and it's absorbable through the skin in this solution. Her boss wasn't in the office so a Senior employee supervised her while she cleaned the mess for 6 hours. No one else would go near the cabinet because of the inherent danger.

During the cleaning some liquid from a container got splashed on her face. Luckily this was hydrogen peroxide. The containers were filled with anything from fentanyl to hydrochloric acid.

The containers broke because the other lab analysts just shove them in the cabinet and force the door shut. Her company refuses to get more cabinets and they are legally required to keep samples for 1-3 months in a locked cabinet.

My wife makes $35k a year and deals with stuff like this every week. This was almost as bad as when hydrochloric acid splashed her face.

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