
My wife’s work requires her to have our car on site at all time when she is working.

So we are a one car family, not a big deal normally one person drops the other person off. Well ever since my wife has had to move to a new store as now a manager her bosses require her to have our car onsite at all times to perform work related duties such as getting stock from other stores if needed. This would not be a major issue if she was compensated for using our car for this and being demanded it basically used as a company car. However there is no extra compensation for this use or the wear and tare on our. If they were to compensate us for it would allow for us to get a second car. I am just super frustrated as this has been going on a long time and cost us even more money directly as I must us transit services to…

So we are a one car family, not a big deal normally one person drops the other person off. Well ever since my wife has had to move to a new store as now a manager her bosses require her to have our car onsite at all times to perform work related duties such as getting stock from other stores if needed. This would not be a major issue if she was compensated for using our car for this and being demanded it basically used as a company car. However there is no extra compensation for this use or the wear and tare on our. If they were to compensate us for it would allow for us to get a second car. I am just super frustrated as this has been going on a long time and cost us even more money directly as I must us transit services to meet my needs. So any know the law in Florida and if there is a way to make them pay for the demanded use of our car.

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