
My work hired 15 new people after I quit

I won't lie this is more of a vent/rant. I made a post a few weeks ago about quitting my job. I was overworked for 4 years and didn't see any raises after reaching a managerial position the first year. Myself, an employee under me and another manager all quit at the same time since we were all burnt out and fed up. I work in the airline industry that just recently hit a huge influx in customers. I still keep in contact with a few friends I made there. I recently found out they hired 15 new people and a new manager less than 3 weeks after we quit. That new manager is apparently going to be moving up to a higher salary than myself and the other manager that quit (all managers are on salary). Every employee also got a $2 raise which should've been more, but still…

I won't lie this is more of a vent/rant. I made a post a few weeks ago about quitting my job. I was overworked for 4 years and didn't see any raises after reaching a managerial position the first year. Myself, an employee under me and another manager all quit at the same time since we were all burnt out and fed up. I work in the airline industry that just recently hit a huge influx in customers.

I still keep in contact with a few friends I made there. I recently found out they hired 15 new people and a new manager less than 3 weeks after we quit. That new manager is apparently going to be moving up to a higher salary than myself and the other manager that quit (all managers are on salary). Every employee also got a $2 raise which should've been more, but still good to see. What a terrible company if 3 people who are necessary to the operations need to quit just to see any action taken place. 15/16 people to replace 3 when all we needed was a lot cheaper than 15 sources of income… It honestly makes my blood boil how little they cared about us after dedicating so much to the company (lots of time/OT and even my own money for small things like snacks for my employees). I am completely unmotivated to work, luckily I have enough money to sit for a few months. I don't ever want to work again

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