
My work is giving me shit for not wanting to attend the training they didn’t give me the notice for. not to mention giving me shit for only working a two weeks notice.

I work as a teacher. If you want to change the holidays of an employee or the holidays you have set. You HAVE TO give two weeks' notice. It was mentioned to me casually three weeks ago with no kinda date in mind, just a causal. Around this time. It just got TOLD to me that we have teacher training a day which should have been a holiday day. That's under a week's notice. Oh, but when I give notice in. I have to give four weeks because that's what is required. If you respected my rights. Maybe if respect your wishes. Um, no, I didn't sign a contract with you guys. Giving two weeks is okay in my books.

I work as a teacher. If you want to change the holidays of an employee or the holidays you have set. You HAVE TO give two weeks' notice. It was mentioned to me casually three weeks ago with no kinda date in mind, just a causal. Around this time. It just got TOLD to me that we have teacher training a day which should have been a holiday day.
That's under a week's notice. Oh, but when I give notice in. I have to give four weeks because that's what is required. If you respected my rights. Maybe if respect your wishes. Um, no, I didn't sign a contract with you guys. Giving two weeks is okay in my books.

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