
My work place is making come in on the day of the queen’s funeral!

So the last week has been a pretty rough week for me. My family and I haven't taken the queen's passing too well. We've been doing ok but I had to take a few days off. I spoke to my boss yesterday and explained that as both my grandparents are British I'll be taking the day off for the queen's funeral. He laughed and thought I was joking as I'd already taken 3 days off despite living in the USA. He asked why he should give me the time off so I showed him a copy of the contract which said I can take time off for a funeral. He said that it's only for a direct family member. I explained that I understand why they wouldn't have the death of a monarch as time off as it's such an infrequent event but as I am part British I feel…

So the last week has been a pretty rough week for me. My family and I haven't taken the queen's passing too well. We've been doing ok but I had to take a few days off. I spoke to my boss yesterday and explained that as both my grandparents are British I'll be taking the day off for the queen's funeral. He laughed and thought I was joking as I'd already taken 3 days off despite living in the USA. He asked why he should give me the time off so I showed him a copy of the contract which said I can take time off for a funeral. He said that it's only for a direct family member. I explained that I understand why they wouldn't have the death of a monarch as time off as it's such an infrequent event but as I am part British I feel like I should be able to mourn like the rest of the nation
I am writing a strongly worded email to HR today explaining that as I am part British then I am entitled to this day off and if not Id be happy to try and get my job back at the slaughter house.

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