
My work schedules important meetings during our scheduled lunch break.

The title says it all. I work in an area with no windows and I use my lunch break to get out of the office and actually see the sun for a little while. I hate going to work meetings as is (who doesn't). However, so that meetings don't cut into our “work time” they always schedule company meetings during our scheduled lunch period. They SO kindly provide lunch (cold sandwiches and half bad salad), but for the last two lunch meetings I've just skipped. I've decided if I have questions about my employee benefits or whatever (what our meeting is about today), then I will just bother HR about it and take my normal lunch just to keep my sanity.

The title says it all. I work in an area with no windows and I use my lunch break to get out of the office and actually see the sun for a little while. I hate going to work meetings as is (who doesn't). However, so that meetings don't cut into our “work time” they always schedule company meetings during our scheduled lunch period.

They SO kindly provide lunch (cold sandwiches and half bad salad), but for the last two lunch meetings I've just skipped. I've decided if I have questions about my employee benefits or whatever (what our meeting is about today), then I will just bother HR about it and take my normal lunch just to keep my sanity.

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