
My work steals from me,at one point forced me into a group chat and pushed all gruntwork to me.

I work at a corporate dollar store.I am able to clock in 5 minutes early and when closing I often stay 5 to 10 mins beyond my scheduled time.Ive realized my times for clocking in and out are changed back to only the exact times I was scheduled.My manager tried to say “the system” “rounds it”.ie if I clock out at 10:18 it'll “round” to 1015 .I confronted her being as that isn't how rounding works in any case and she then tried to blame a manager above her.but ik she approves and edits the times.I live in a very small town so I'm less immediately replaceable and ik this.So my boss and I are in a grudge match.Ive got everyone else currently working in the store on my side.I do what I can to help them with their work.We have somewhat organized to repel our manager when she comes…

I work at a corporate dollar store.I am able to clock in 5 minutes early and when closing I often stay 5 to 10 mins beyond my scheduled time.Ive realized my times for clocking in and out are changed back to only the exact times I was scheduled.My manager tried to say “the system” “rounds it”.ie if I clock out at 10:18 it'll “round” to 1015 .I confronted her being as that isn't how rounding works in any case and she then tried to blame a manager above her.but ik she approves and edits the times.I live in a very small town so I'm less immediately replaceable and ik this.So my boss and I are in a grudge match.Ive got everyone else currently working in the store on my side.I do what I can to help them with their work.We have somewhat organized to repel our manager when she comes pushing us to work more.Ill take what I can get for now ig

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