
My work tries to fuck me over every chance they get!

My employer has always been extremely shady. The company I work for preaches “core values” but it is the most cut throat company I’ve ever worked for. I’ve been off work for sometime due to mental health related issues that have only gotten significantly worse due to the company I work for, and the type of people I had to deal with on a daily basis. Today I received a pay cheque that I knew I was not entitled to. As much as I would have loved to keep the overpayment I knew the right thing to do would be to inform my company’s payroll of the mistake. They told me they were grateful of me informing them of the error that payroll had made and gave me the appropriate information necessary to return the money but they asked me to return my gross amount before taxes. Meaning they wanted…

My employer has always been extremely shady. The company I work for preaches “core values” but it is the most cut throat company I’ve ever worked for.

I’ve been off work for sometime due to mental health related issues that have only gotten significantly worse due to the company I work for, and the type of people I had to deal with on a daily basis.

Today I received a pay cheque that I knew I was not entitled to. As much as I would have loved to keep the overpayment I knew the right thing to do would be to inform my company’s payroll of the mistake.

They told me they were grateful of me informing them of the error that payroll had made and gave me the appropriate information necessary to return the money but they asked me to return my gross amount before taxes. Meaning they wanted me to pay $200 out of my own pocket for a mistake I had nothing to do with.

I told them I would send back the exact amount that was auto deposited into my bank account and not a penny more. I told them I will not be held accountable to pay back deductions out of my own money for someone else’s shortcomings.

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