
My workplace deducting my pay by 15 minutes for being 2 minutes late off my break

Completely understandable if they deduct 2 minutes from my pay but 15??? They get 13 minutes of free work from me for being 2 minutes late, I understand there is no excuse for being late (kinda) but why deduct the time were I am working. My manager said “if you’re a couple mins late we’ll deduct 15 minutes” to which I said “I’m pretty sure that’s illegal to do” and he says “no it isn’t, I’ve worker at several places that have this policy in place” I don’t understand his reasoning like just because others have done an illegal act means it isn’t ???I am from the UK and I’m 99% it is illegal but there is some nuance with contracts but my contract has nothing about deducting extra time off your lateness.

Completely understandable if they deduct 2 minutes from my pay but 15??? They get 13 minutes of free work from me for being 2 minutes late, I understand there is no excuse for being late (kinda) but why deduct the time were I am working. My manager said “if you’re a couple mins late we’ll deduct 15 minutes” to which I said “I’m pretty sure that’s illegal to do” and he says “no it isn’t, I’ve worker at several places that have this policy in place” I don’t understand his reasoning like just because others have done an illegal act means it isn’t ???I am from the UK and I’m 99% it is illegal but there is some nuance with contracts but my contract has nothing about deducting extra time off your lateness.

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