
My workplace is trying to play games with me

So I put in my two weeks notice on Tuesday this week, told them I can work until April 5th. Now how my job works is we have an app that they update everyday with our jobs for the next day. So on Tuesday evening I noticed they gave me nothing for Wednesday, so Wednesday morning I call them to basically ask “wtf and do you guys need me for the next two weeks”? They proceeded to put me on hold for the next 5 minutes and came back and said they’d call me back later today so I’m like I guess so sure. Whole day goes by no phone call from them. Whatever no biggie. But now they have me scheduled to work today from 2:30-5, when my normal workday starts between 8-9 in the morning. I should just not go right? I shouldn’t bother with these stupid games?

So I put in my two weeks notice on Tuesday this week, told them I can work until April 5th. Now how my job works is we have an app that they update everyday with our jobs for the next day. So on Tuesday evening I noticed they gave me nothing for Wednesday, so Wednesday morning I call them to basically ask “wtf and do you guys need me for the next two weeks”? They proceeded to put me on hold for the next 5 minutes and came back and said they’d call me back later today so I’m like I guess so sure. Whole day goes by no phone call from them. Whatever no biggie. But now they have me scheduled to work today from 2:30-5, when my normal workday starts between 8-9 in the morning. I should just not go right? I shouldn’t bother with these stupid games?

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