
My worst job interview experience

First time poster here : It happened 2019 so 3 years ago , I was looking for a part time job during my university study and I applied for I dont even know what exactly it was but some kind of administrative position in powerplant energetics the pay was very average so I wasn't even hyped but I wanted to try it since it was an administrative position ( at that time I thought it was something very special and much better than other types of jobs) fast forward to the day of the job interview I was supposed to be interviewed at 3pm so I arrived 15 prior or so and came to the reception's desk and I announced myself that I am to be interviewed and there were no record of me that I am to be interviewed so I had to show the email as a proof…

First time poster here :

It happened 2019 so 3 years ago , I was looking for a part time job during my university study and I applied for I dont even know what exactly it was but some kind of administrative position in powerplant energetics the pay was very average so I wasn't even hyped but I wanted to try it since it was an administrative position ( at that time I thought it was something very special and much better than other types of jobs) fast forward to the day of the job interview I was supposed to be interviewed at 3pm so I arrived 15 prior or so and came to the reception's desk and I announced myself that I am to be interviewed and there were no record of me that I am to be interviewed so I had to show the email as a proof , they said manager is not here I have to wait till he arrives and I was like okay. So I waited 10 min, 20, 30 … After about 45 minutes he came and we went to the room for the interview and I had a coat because it was November so in the room there was a coat hanger , as I was trying to hang it on the hanger it slipped out of my grip and as I was reaching down he said and it also was the very first thing he said before introducing himself he said :

Make it quick we don't have all day . I was like what the fuck but I decided to ignore this . We started to converse about my qualifications and so on and he was very surprised to see that I am a student even though it was a part time job that pretty much gave away that he didn't even have a look at my resume . I said that I am university student but I have enough time to participate in the job and he said :

How come you have so much free time is it because the school is so easy ? And I said no it's just I am quite good at it and I was.
So totally unprofessional behaviour even if it was easy which wasn't it's totally unprofessional to say such remarks

Overall he was pretty arrogant and puffed up also I wasn't even offered a glass of water during my 45 minute period of waiting that wasn't supposed to be also even not during the questioning and before that I had quite a few interviews and they all offered me various types of refreshments sometimes it was a very first question .

So we ended he said he will call me in a few days . As soon as I went home I blocked the number and email address of the company and so on . I hope the jerk doesn't work there anymore.

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