
My yearly evaluation changed after I signed and agreed to it

My workplace has a yearly evaluation and when I got sat down I was told all the managers wanted to do mine because it was very easy to say I was great in every aspect. I got all As except a few B's in areas where they can't track who does what and it's about the teamwork and not your personal work. Once it was done I had to say whether I agreed with it, say what I'd work on towards the future, yada yada. This was a month ago. Well, on Saturday the boss had an issue with someone else and tried to rope me into it. The meeting ended up tense because I refused to say I believed her and just reiterated that it has nothing to do with me and I didn't want to take sides when I wasn't there and couldn't know what happened. And then…

My workplace has a yearly evaluation and when I got sat down I was told all the managers wanted to do mine because it was very easy to say I was great in every aspect.

I got all As except a few B's in areas where they can't track who does what and it's about the teamwork and not your personal work. Once it was done I had to say whether I agreed with it, say what I'd work on towards the future, yada yada. This was a month ago.

Well, on Saturday the boss had an issue with someone else and tried to rope me into it. The meeting ended up tense because I refused to say I believed her and just reiterated that it has nothing to do with me and I didn't want to take sides when I wasn't there and couldn't know what happened.

And then she dropped the bomb, apparently my evaluation showed up as “cancelled” and they had to reupload it. No one understood how it happened.

Today I checked and it was uploaded just fine, except, full of Bs and even one C. I contacted the manager who did my evaluation to say it wasn't cancelled but the grades were lower than they should be and her reply was “Weird, I imagine Boss changed it 🤦‍️”. Apparently my boss can change my performance review after I've signed it, fuck this.

They're supposed to fix it this afternoon, if they don't, I'm so excited to go with all the written proof to HR. She's already on thin ice over multiple people quitting for her shit. Fuck petty bosses who retaliate against your livelihood over high school level dramas.

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