
Name the names. Spread the shame.

I'm just getting a little tired of people who work for anonymous big box store or Noname corporation complain/vent about their shitty employers without NAMIMG them. We can't boycott them if we don't know who they are. Their name doesn't get walked through the mud until we know who they are. We can't kick them in the teeth and financially ruin them unless we KNOW WHO THEY ARE!!!! Out these assholes. Make them suffer. Make it impossible for them to continue treating people this way. Not just you….all people. All people deserve to have dignity at work, and when you don't out them, they will continue to get away with it.

I'm just getting a little tired of people who work for anonymous big box store or Noname corporation complain/vent about their shitty employers without NAMIMG them. We can't boycott them if we don't know who they are. Their name doesn't get walked through the mud until we know who they are. We can't kick them in the teeth and financially ruin them unless we KNOW WHO THEY ARE!!!! Out these assholes. Make them suffer. Make it impossible for them to continue treating people this way. Not just you….all people. All people deserve to have dignity at work, and when you don't out them, they will continue to get away with it.

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