
Need a judgment call…

I’m going to try to make this short. I work for a Company(A), that works within another Company(B). I’m a “vendor” for Company B, so I don’t work directly for them, I just work within their store. I have a history with Company B, I worked for them for a while before moving to Company A, didn’t leave on bad terms, but I’m now finding out that Company A is planning to lay me off. I’m planning to move back to Company B before I get the boot. But now I’m considering this one option, and I don’t know if it’s viable or recommended. If I was to work for both Company A and B concurrently, it would be a conflict of interest thus rendering me unable to work one of these jobs. Since I already don’t care about my future with Company A, can I go back to Company…

I’m going to try to make this short. I work for a Company(A), that works within another Company(B). I’m a “vendor” for Company B, so I don’t work directly for them, I just work within their store. I have a history with Company B, I worked for them for a while before moving to Company A, didn’t leave on bad terms, but I’m now finding out that Company A is planning to lay me off.

I’m planning to move back to Company B before I get the boot. But now I’m considering this one option, and I don’t know if it’s viable or recommended.

If I was to work for both Company A and B concurrently, it would be a conflict of interest thus rendering me unable to work one of these jobs.

Since I already don’t care about my future with Company A, can I go back to Company B and just work there until either they lay me off, or find out I began working for Company B? My shifts for Company A only happen on weekends, so I could work weekday shifts with Company B.

The reason I want to do this is because I’d be taking a pay cut going back to Company B. So if I’m gonna do that, why not squeeze what I can out of my current job.

What do you guys think? I don’t want to make any rash decisions.

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