
Need a Little Quitting Encouragement

I'm quitting my current job due to a combination of mental health issues and finally having enough in savings where this feels feasible (I also have moved back in with parents temporarily due to said MH issues). And heres the thing, I put my 2 weeks in 8 weeks ago and am still working here. I originally agreed to stay part time past my 2 weeks because as much as I despised that job I don't hate my coworkers and I knew my leaving was going to fuck them over. Several weeks pass and not only has the manager put little to no effort into finding my replacement but Im working way more than the originally agreed part time. So I told him sorry, this is my last week. He begged me to do part time WFH (something I had previously been told wasnt possible in my position) and I…

I'm quitting my current job due to a combination of mental health issues and finally having enough in savings where this feels feasible (I also have moved back in with parents temporarily due to said MH issues). And heres the thing, I put my 2 weeks in 8 weeks ago and am still working here. I originally agreed to stay part time past my 2 weeks because as much as I despised that job I don't hate my coworkers and I knew my leaving was going to fuck them over. Several weeks pass and not only has the manager put little to no effort into finding my replacement but Im working way more than the originally agreed part time. So I told him sorry, this is my last week. He begged me to do part time WFH (something I had previously been told wasnt possible in my position) and I caved (I feel a little stockholmed tbh) and it's now over 6 weeks past my original last day I wrote on the 2 weeks and its killing me a little inside. I get onto the WFH system he set up last minute and I can barely force myself to do 2 hours of work bc Im so unmotivated and tired of my managers bs.

I know that I should quit and theres a million and one reasons why I can and should do so effective immediately but I can't work up the confidence. Does anyone have any advice or even just a little encouragement? Is it appropriate to quit via text instead of phone call at this point? I'm afraid if its a phone call he's going to be able to talk me into staying longer.

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