
Need a union advocate

Going to have to be quick about this, I'm in the UK. I'm being told I will have to start going through a disciplinary process and I honestly don't feel it's justified, I feel bullied, belittled and like I'm being made the fall guy. I am allowed to have a union advocate with me for the process but I'm not part of a union and I haven't been able to find any for my type of work. They said I could have a work colleague but our team is small and there is only one other person besides me I could ask and they are the same level as me, all the managerial staff will be against me basically. I'm actually desperately scared and confused about this and really need help.

Going to have to be quick about this, I'm in the UK. I'm being told I will have to start going through a disciplinary process and I honestly don't feel it's justified, I feel bullied, belittled and like I'm being made the fall guy. I am allowed to have a union advocate with me for the process but I'm not part of a union and I haven't been able to find any for my type of work. They said I could have a work colleague but our team is small and there is only one other person besides me I could ask and they are the same level as me, all the managerial staff will be against me basically. I'm actually desperately scared and confused about this and really need help.

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