
Need advice for hostile work environment

Hello! So this is my first time ever posting on reddit, I'm a little nervous about posting this. I apologize in advance because this is going to be a long post. I'm in my 20's and I've struggled to stay employed at previous places I've worked. I hate dealing with injustices from companies/management, and bad management, poor treatment etc. So anytime there's been issues, I'll try talking to management but normally end up just quitting due to management not resolving issues/not caring. Currently I'm working at a job I've worked at since the end of April. A lot of things have happened in the short time that I've been there, and I'm realizing now that there were warning signs even during my interview. It's a company that has patients, but not really a hospital. I have a direct boss, who is the unit manager, that we'll call Cathy, and her…

Hello! So this is my first time ever posting on reddit, I'm a little nervous about posting this. I apologize in advance because this is going to be a long post.
I'm in my 20's and I've struggled to stay employed at previous places I've worked. I hate dealing with injustices from companies/management, and bad management, poor treatment etc. So anytime there's been issues, I'll try talking to management but normally end up just quitting due to management not resolving issues/not caring.

Currently I'm working at a job I've worked at since the end of April. A lot of things have happened in the short time that I've been there, and I'm realizing now that there were warning signs even during my interview.
It's a company that has patients, but not really a hospital. I have a direct boss, who is the unit manager, that we'll call Cathy, and her boss who is the director, who we'll call, Tanya.
During my interview, it was supposed to be Cathy and Tanya interviewing me but Cathy showed up late and Tanya was in an indirect way bad mouthing her, saying things like “if she'll ever show up. Or if she ever gets here”, things like that.
On my second day of training, I got “warned” about the 2 co-workers I'd be working with on Friday nights, by a co-worker and Cathy. Saying things like they're really bad at doing paperwork, that they're lazy, but they're really nice people.

So the first month of my job, I love it, I love the patients, my co-workers, being able to have 4 days off a week, and this job is the 2nd highest paying job I've ever had. But, I'm having problems with a co-worker that I work overnights with on Sunday nights. She shows up late to every shift she works, is incredibly lazy, sleeps on the job, brings personal problems into work, fights with her abusive boyfriend on the phone in front of patients. So after venting to some co-workers about her, and asking for advice, I get told to go to Cathy. I speak to Cathy about it and she says that she's going to speak to this co-worker, and she'll let me know. Well fast forward to the next week that I came into work, Tanya is there. My co-worker that knows about how stressed I've been with this situation, tells Tanya I would like to talk to her. So Tanya takes me out to the front lobby, away from the patients and other co-workers, and we have a discussion. I told her I was just wanting to talk to her to figure out if there was anything I needed to know about my situation with my co-worker like if my schedule was going to change or anything like that. Tanya then proceeds to go off on all of these personal details about her personal relationship with this co-worker and how she helped raise her and change her diapers. She says though, that she doesn't get involved in things involving this person at work because she has a personal relationship and let's Cathy handle everything involving her. Then at the end of the conversation I tell her something personal about me, and she says she'll keep it between us, no one needs to know, including Cathy. So I left the conversation feeling really good, like Cathy was going to handle the situation.

Fast-forward, and the situation isn't being handled at all. My co-worker got talked to but everything is still going on, managements solution to the problem is putting the only employee who is approved for overtime, on shift with this co-worker and me to help diffuse the situation. Forcing the overtime allowed employee to work both day and night shift now.
Then, while this is going on, there's a Friday night where I check my bank account on the day I'm supposed to get paid, and my check isn't in my bank account. So I wait until the morning and it's still not there. So I contact Cathy and let her know. She tells me she'll get ahold of HR, and basically in total, I texted my boss 5 times looking for answers that she couldn't give me. I got told that my check was in the USPS mail, then that it was being mailed by FED EX priority, and then the answer kept changing. I was told that if my check hadn't arrived in the morning, to let them know. I was also told by Cathy to tell either her or Tanya. So when I went to work that night, Tanya was here, and I asked my co-worker who has Tanya's number if he could just quickly text her and ask if I could talk to her. My check hadn't arrived yet, and it was 2 in the morning so my stressed out brain said, if it's not here now, it won't be by 7 in the morning when I get home. I wasn't getting any real answers from Cathy, you know. So I thought I'd try talking to Tanya, Tanya said it was late at night and she couldn't be assed to talk to me, so she and Cathy would talk to me in the morning before I leave. Cathy and Tanya pull me into the office, and Tanya is already hella defensive pulling up printed emails of her contact with HR. I told her that I didn't need to see them and that I believed her. I explained to them that my car payment and rent were now a day late and that I have severe anxiety and that this was stressing me out really badly. So they told me to see if my check arrived by the morning and if it hadn't to let them know. So I had to stay up all morning even tho I had to be at work by 7 pm to work a 12 hour shift. My check never arrived and so I contacted Tanya, who said she would go to the place I bought my car from to try to pay my car payment with the company card and the company would just take it out of my next check, but that didn't work because they didn't take the type of card that the company uses. So I get told this, and I'm really stressed, and I had also been told by both Cathy and Tanya that if my check doesn't show up that they could cancel this check and write a new one. So after I took a nap, I sent a text to Tanya saying I had under a dollar in my bank, no money for food or gas, and I'm really stressed out so is there a way they could write me a new check. And she sent me this really passive aggressive text that I ended up ignoring and made me cry for like an hour before I had to leave for work. When I was getting ready to leave, I got a call from Cathy, saying that they finally figured out what happened and that my paycheck will be at my house by Monday, and that my next check will also be messed up. I told Cathy I was very upset and stressed out and that I had cried because of the way Tanya had spoken to me. She offered paying for an uber and said we could talk when I got to work if I wanted, but I turned down both. When I got to work I wasn't given the option to not speak to her or Tanya and I got pulled into a meeting. Tanya is so angry with me from the moment I step into the room, she won't even make eye contact with me. I got told the whole meeting that I was ungrateful and impatient and that I harassed them over my paycheck. That I didn't give them time to fix anything or find anything out. That when I talked to Tanya about that co-worker that I wasn't getting along with that I was doing it to find out information like if said co-worker got fired or written up. And then the both of them proceeded to tell me how I should spend my money for the rest of the month to make sure my bills were paid since my paycheck was late and my next paycheck would be fucked up. Then Tanya also told me that the private information I had told her, she had to tell Cathy because Cathy is my manager. She told me that I wasn't following the right chain of command. She also told me she was very angry about the text message I had sent her regarding how much money was in my bank, and said she forwarded my text to the owner and CFO, and that they weren't happy about it either. I told Tanya and Cathy that there was a  misunderstanding and that that's not how I wanted to come off at all because that's not how I meant. And I also told Tanya that all of the personal information she had told me during that meeting about the co-worker was nothing that I had asked about or wanted to know. And that I didn't want to be involved at all. So the meeting ends and Tanya is no longer acting mad at me because, I'm assuming, I had to kiss her ass the whole meeting, and the meeting left me feeling like absolute dog shit.

Fast forward around a week or two later and the co-worker I had problems with put in her two weeks and never returned to work after doing so.
Tanya and Cathy won't address me, don't acknowledge my existence. There's tension.
After the shitty co-worker left, they stuck me with the co-worker who is approved for overtime and she has the biggest ego now, and is Tanya's favorite. I've been working with her and Tanya will come in and just bad mouth tf out of Cathy and so this co-worker bad mouths Cathy but Tanya can do no wrong.
They've been firing people left and right. They made up a fake rumor about a co-worker that they fired and did her dirty about how she was spreading rumors about Cathy and Cathy's husband selling drugs to the workers and patients. There are 10 workers here. None of us workers heard this rumor until Tanya did an investigation and asked us about it.

Now they've hired a new woman to work with me on Sunday nights. This is her second week and she has caused so much drama already. She is talking bad about everyone behind their backs. She has put me in a position tonight to where I have to go to Cathy in the morning and address some things that the new co-worker has spoken to me about. The new co-worker has used racist and homophobic slurs at work.

So this where I am. Idk what to do. Do I muster up the courage and have a meeting with Cathy in the morning about how I feel and try to save my job, or do I just throw in the towel and job hop again. I am really conflicted. And just the fact alone that I have to ask my boss to have a meeting with me to discuss my new co-worker is making me sick to my stomach at work tonight.
Any advice would be greatly appreciated. If you'd made it this far, thank you so much <3

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