
need advice on leaving a family business

To give some background: I have been working at a high end restaurant for just shy of three years now. My uncle owns the restaurant we have been severely understaffed for 6 months and he wont replace the failing equipment. I work 13 hour shifts 4 Times a week and two 8 hours shifts on top of that. I make all the desserts, close up the restaurant almost every single night even if other managers are present because they have been their longer, I order all the food and am part of the prep crew 4 days a week the other managers dont work prep shifts (the four 13 hour shifts are the prep and closing shifts with no time allocatedfor breaks) and I am responsible for about anything else that needs to be done during dinner service including working multiple stations… As a manager doing all this I make…

To give some background: I have been working at a high end restaurant for just shy of three years now. My uncle owns the restaurant we have been severely understaffed for 6 months and he wont replace the failing equipment. I work 13 hour shifts 4 Times a week and two 8 hours shifts on top of that. I make all the desserts, close up the restaurant almost every single night even if other managers are present because they have been their longer, I order all the food and am part of the prep crew 4 days a week the other managers dont work prep shifts (the four 13 hour shifts are the prep and closing shifts with no time allocatedfor breaks) and I am responsible for about anything else that needs to be done during dinner service including working multiple stations… As a manager doing all this I make $19 an hour. I just found out last night the other managers are making $22. And a new guy that is unreliable and has limited hours makes $20 an hour as his starting pay and am absolutely furious. I am calling out of my shift today for the first time in 2.5 years as my nearly full term wife is having pregnancy related pain and issues. But part of me wants to quit and just not go back ever again and to cut out the uncle and aunt that are millionaires that go on vacation very other week knowing I'm struggling to take care of my family. They had told me I was one of the highest paid people in the whole restaurant which I believed until I saw the payroll sheet last night and found everything out. Is walking out or quiting immediately an over reaction. They are incredibly short staffed and I don't know what to do I am looking for new jobs now but idk if I wanna even wait the 2 weeks for a notice. Sorry for rambling any advice would be amazing it's just confusing when family is involved

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