
Need advice on leaving a job I just started

So basically, I needed money coming in because I normally work with my dad who owns a window tinting business that does pretty well but it slows down in the winter due to lack of sales. My sister has worked for a bank for 6 years so she got me in as a teller when I finished college with a 4 year economics degree. I don’t work at the same branch of the bank as my sister as I’m unable to do so. So basically, the job is really nice everyone is nice and it’s easy. However, $17 an hour with a four year degree is dissatisfaction for me as I feel I could be earning more. Honestly though that’s not even the thing that makes me want to leave. I don’t think I can do this 9-5pm every day sitting doing absolutely nothing I feel like I’m a slave…

So basically, I needed money coming in because I normally work with my dad who owns a window tinting business that does pretty well but it slows down in the winter due to lack of sales. My sister has worked for a bank for 6 years so she got me in as a teller when I finished college with a 4 year economics degree. I don’t work at the same branch of the bank as my sister as I’m unable to do so. So basically, the job is really nice everyone is nice and it’s easy. However, $17 an hour with a four year degree is dissatisfaction for me as I feel I could be earning more. Honestly though that’s not even the thing that makes me want to leave. I don’t think I can do this 9-5pm every day sitting doing absolutely nothing I feel like I’m a slave to the work industry. I did 5 weeks of training from home which was bearable but I seriously want to leave now that I’ve started at the branch. I sat down with my dad last night and discussed quitting because I can’t do it. The bank is strict and I feel guilty about getting up and doing anything I feel like it’s a terrible way of going about every single day. It’s 9-5pm Monday-Saturday and I feel like I’m gonna be wasting my life away here. When I spoke with my dad he said he is up for going 50/50 on the business if I make a deal to take it serious and that I’m not only trying to quit to hang out with friends. I am committed to wanting to work and grind and make money but not in this way. It’s depressing and I’ve been sitting here just upset and anxious feeling like I’m wasting life and it’s only been two days. I seriously don’t know if this will work for me. It’s not that I don’t want to work like I said but I want to be moving and running my own show, I want it to be up to me and how much work I put in that decides how much I make. The issues are this which I need some advice on;
1. Do I quit?
2. How do I quit a job that I’m only 2 weeks into without seeming super unprofessional
3. What do I tell my sister so she doesn’t get mad at me for quitting when she referred me?

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