
Need everyone’s help

I currently have a job that is okay, but my company just got bought out and I'm not a big fan of the new management so decided to dip my feet in the job pool. I got a call from a headhunter about an engineering job at one of the biggest automakers. Job sounded interesting so went ahead and set up an interview. First interview was the standard HR interview. Took about 45 minutes. Then rounds two and three.. each about an hour. Got a call from the headhunter that I wasn't selected but they thought I would be a good fit for another engineering role. Said sure. After two interviews with the other team, the headhunter forwarded me an email from the manager saying the interview went excellent and they were going to make me an offer next week ( this was last Friday). Today I get a call…

I currently have a job that is okay, but my company just got bought out and I'm not a big fan of the new management so decided to dip my feet in the job pool. I got a call from a headhunter about an engineering job at one of the biggest automakers. Job sounded interesting so went ahead and set up an interview. First interview was the standard HR interview. Took about 45 minutes. Then rounds two and three.. each about an hour. Got a call from the headhunter that I wasn't selected but they thought I would be a good fit for another engineering role. Said sure.
After two interviews with the other team, the headhunter forwarded me an email from the manager saying the interview went excellent and they were going to make me an offer next week ( this was last Friday). Today I get a call from the headhunter saying that they would like to do a meet and greet Thursday or Friday. I was surprised but agreed. The invite they sent me said interview. Scheduled the time off work and let them know the time was fine. An hour later I got a call from the headhunter again saying they needed to reschedule the interview again for next Monday at 10. I reluctantly agreed, called my boss and said I had the date and time wrong and asked if I could have a few hours off on Monday. Luckily he's flexible and said sure. Another hour goes by.. get another call and they asked to reschedule again.
I am at the point now where I'm just about to say nevermind withdraw me from consideration. They are jerking me around and have no respect for my time. That's on top of telling me they were going to make me an offer to only schedule another interview.
Am I over reacting? What would you guys do? This would be a fairly significant pay increase asking with having a well known name on my resume.
Thanks, and sorry for the long read!!

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