
Need help for meeting with District Manager

A couple days ago I sent my manager and district manager an email stating I was unhappy with my job and the stress is getting to me. He responded saying we can talk more in person this Thursday. One of my biggest gripes is that management overbooks the techs and if we fall behind management tells us to complete minimum of X jobs (ya know to meet production quotas…) yet management has stated we shouldn't be working overtime. So when they want us to work overtime we must work. It really pisses me off how they assume we have no lives out of work. Any tips on phrasing, I am not the best at it

A couple days ago I sent my manager and district manager an email stating I was unhappy with my job and the stress is getting to me.

He responded saying we can talk more in person this Thursday.

One of my biggest gripes is that management overbooks the techs and if we fall behind management tells us to complete minimum of X jobs (ya know to meet production quotas…) yet management has stated we shouldn't be working overtime. So when they want us to work overtime we must work. It really pisses me off how they assume we have no lives out of work.

Any tips on phrasing, I am not the best at it

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