
Need Help Quitting

I have been working at five below as a sales associate for a short time, only eight days, but yesterday I said today would be my last day because it is shit. As I said, I have only been there eight days, but I have worked a total of 63 hours (not counting breaks), I am part time and a teenager who just wanted a summer job. I hadn’t worked before and I was so nervous on my first day because I have social anxiety and I was worried I wouldn’t know how to use the register. My manager rang two people up, then left me there by myself for the rest of my shift. Every time I didn’t know what to do I would have to call my manager to come help me and she would never explain she would just do it and say something passive aggressive. On…

I have been working at five below as a sales associate for a short time, only eight days, but yesterday I said today would be my last day because it is shit. As I said, I have only been there eight days, but I have worked a total of 63 hours (not counting breaks), I am part time and a teenager who just wanted a summer job.

I hadn’t worked before and I was so nervous on my first day because I have social anxiety and I was worried I wouldn’t know how to use the register. My manager rang two people up, then left me there by myself for the rest of my shift. Every time I didn’t know what to do I would have to call my manager to come help me and she would never explain she would just do it and say something passive aggressive. On my second day, I was in the main part of the store by myself because the manager was in the back the entire time and didn’t respond when I tried to get help

Also, my manager has a rule where girls work the register and the floor and not guys because y’know, people want teenage girls to be super duper nice and happy to be talking to you today! Guys take stuff out of the back, which is not an easy task especially with my manager breathing down their necks the entire time, but in between ringing people up, I am supposed to restock shelves, do reshop, recover sections of the store, help people find items, greet everyone who walks in, and make sure that nobody comes into the store with backpacks, food, or drinks all by myself until the people who are closing come in for the last two hours of my shift.

My manager has scheduled three of my eight shifts the day before without telling me (this includes today’s shift). She scheduled me the day before to work from open to close on the day my sister left the country. The worst part is that was my best shift because she had two other girls working that shift and we actually got to divide the work. Also, I’ve been really sick since I’ve been working there and am in the constant state of thinking I have covid which sucks because I have immunocompromised family. I told my boss that that is the only reason why I am quitting because I don’t want to create hard feelings or get her in trouble, but the job is shit.

I have my last shift today and it was supposed to start at four, but I think they are going to pressure me to give notice because they now want me to come in three hours early. My manager texted me yesterday after I told her to tell me that her boss says a two week notice is what is appropriate.

I know not giving notice is shitty, but I haven’t even worked there for two weeks. They just got a new hire starting on the day I quit. The only reason he isn’t enough to replace me is because she is unwilling to give a guy my tasks and also there are very few teens that would work 63 hours over a period of eight days for minimum wage during their summer off. One person will not be enough to pick up my shifts and I feel bad for leaving them hanging, but there is a reason they are understaffed.

Tldr: How do I stop my boss from guilt tripping me into staying at the job I hate and also AITA for not giving notice?

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