
Need help with pay discussion Hello all, i posted last time asking for help regarding the lies they told me when i got hired, turned out it wasn’t true at all during performance review. I took the decision based on responses here and it blew up internally now president of the market wants to meet me and discuss options next week. Idk what to say or how to handle this negotiation. I basically want what i was promised, no travel, pay we agreed on and yearly bonus. Need y’all help on articulating this to the president and make him understand the situation im in.

Hello all, i posted last time asking for help regarding the lies they told me when i got hired, turned out it wasn’t true at all during performance review.

I took the decision based on responses here and it blew up internally now president of the market wants to meet me and discuss options next week.

Idk what to say or how to handle this negotiation. I basically want what i was promised, no travel, pay we agreed on and yearly bonus.

Need y’all help on articulating this to the president and make him understand the situation im in.

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