
Need some perspective/rant

I'm a local truck driver I delivery groceries to chains and use a dolly to unload everything, usually around 900 to 1k cases per day, its a shit ton, and it is hard work running up and down the ramp loading and unloaded, it killing my body. Now on top of this I work 12-14 hours daily and work 6 days a week (they say I don't deserve 2 days off as a new guy) but fuck I've been here for close to a year now. Now im in trouble this coming Monday (yeah I work holidays too) because after I busted my ass to finish my route so I could go home to see my kids I get stopped and asked to go help another driver 45 mins away and take 2 off their stops and run it myself. Now I know some guys here work hard but the…

I'm a local truck driver I delivery groceries to chains and use a dolly to unload everything, usually around 900 to 1k cases per day, its a shit ton, and it is hard work running up and down the ramp loading and unloaded, it killing my body.

Now on top of this I work 12-14 hours daily and work 6 days a week (they say I don't deserve 2 days off as a new guy) but fuck I've been here for close to a year now. Now im in trouble this coming Monday (yeah I work holidays too) because after I busted my ass to finish my route so I could go home to see my kids I get stopped and asked to go help another driver 45 mins away and take 2 off their stops and run it myself.

Now I know some guys here work hard but the majority are slow as fuck because they know they a will get help sent to them. So when they stopped me today and told me to go help him I basically told them to fuck off and if they can't handle their route fire them or give them somthing easier.

And I walked out. I make good money but thats the only thing keeping me here, that and the bonus I get for being hired on. But am I wrong for doing this?

I fucking hate working not because I think work is wrong, but what they turned it into is so deprived of any normality its sick. The old 'but its more overtime' can fuck off and die because i don't give a shit about money, I don't want it I just want to support my family. I'm not trying to get rich here just to make my warn and move the fuck on.

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