
Need to quit a remote job with zero notice because the company sucks. How do I go about this in the least confrontational manner?

I’m in a bit of a pickle and not sure how to proceed… I was recently offered a position with an amazing company, it is literally my dream role. Currently, I am employed for a diff company and my current position is fully remote. After receiving my new companies offer, they informed me there would be a background check/drug test. I had heard from others that due to the size of this company, the background checks can take some time. I did not want to give my notice to my current employer until the background check was cleared because current employer is fire happy (there have been several employees fired on the spot with no notice/warning since I’ve been there) and I can’t afford to not work in between old job and new. I was nervous that if I put a notice in before background check was complete with new…

I’m in a bit of a pickle and not sure how to proceed…

I was recently offered a position with an amazing company, it is literally my dream role. Currently, I am employed for a diff company and my current position is fully remote.

After receiving my new companies offer, they informed me there would be a background check/drug test. I had heard from others that due to the size of this company, the background checks can take some time. I did not want to give my notice to my current employer until the background check was cleared because current employer is fire happy (there have been several employees fired on the spot with no notice/warning since I’ve been there) and I can’t afford to not work in between old job and new. I was nervous that if I put a notice in before background check was complete with new company- I’d be fired on the spot and without income for a bit.

Today- background check for new company comes through and they ask if I can still start on the tentative date they gave me in the offer letter which would be this coming Monday. I know they would be fine if I explained that I wanted to wait until background check cleared before giving notice and need two additional weeks, but I am literally chomping at the bits to get started at the new place bc my current position is a joke. But- that means I will have to quit my current job with like 1-2 days notice.

I’d like to add- that I have never not given a two week notice at any job- but this current role, I just don’t feel it’s necessary because they straight up lied to me about what the position entailed when I was hired and the work I create there is wayyyyy below my skill set. I’m literally never busy. I have hardly any work to do, so not like I’m leaving them with a bunch of unfinished projects on their plate. Also, it’s an at will employment so they’d have no problem firing me with zero warning if they wanted, and they’ve done that to others, specifically one girl on my team, since I’ve been employed there (which has not been long).

I’m just terrible at confrontation and was wondering how to go about telling them Friday will be my last day- do I have to do it face to face (zoom in this instance) ? Or can I send a resignation letter to HR and my boss? I do have their equipment which I know will need to be returned, so I dont know if that complicates things more?

I’m obviously not afraid to quit- but I cannot deal with people becoming angry at me (which I worry they will do with no notice) and I would like to avoid getting yelled at. I know it obviously doesn’t matter if they are mad or not, but I am autistic and when people get mad or upset with me, it wrecks me and I can’t deal with it. I’ll worry about it for weeks.

Any advice would be helpful- or any stories of how others have quit with no notice for a remote or corporate job would be awesome!

TL;DR- need to quit current crappy position with 2 days notice, and I’m a wuss and terrified of confrontation. Any ideas or suggestions on how to proceed would be much appreciated!

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