
Need to rant about something.

This morning I woke up with a migraine (feel better now) and texted my boss (who is a nurse) that I wouldn’t be able to make it to my shift at the sandwich shop where we both work (can’t remember why she’s working at a sandwich shop when she’s a nurse, but oh well). She gets all in a tizzy and asks me why I only told her last-minute. Like, I didn’t plan to wake up with a migraine and sleep through my alarm. So then she texted me that I still need to go in but that I can leave once a third person shows up (only one person was there so far). I didn’t go for obvious reasons but the fact that I told her I had a migraine and she still wanted me to go in is making me want to not show up tomorrow. Which would…

This morning I woke up with a migraine (feel better now) and texted my boss (who is a nurse) that I wouldn’t be able to make it to my shift at the sandwich shop where we both work (can’t remember why she’s working at a sandwich shop when she’s a nurse, but oh well). She gets all in a tizzy and asks me why I only told her last-minute. Like, I didn’t plan to wake up with a migraine and sleep through my alarm.

So then she texted me that I still need to go in but that I can leave once a third person shows up (only one person was there so far). I didn’t go for obvious reasons but the fact that I told her I had a migraine and she still wanted me to go in is making me want to not show up tomorrow. Which would be fine, as my intended last day is actually next Monday.

TL;DR: Had migraine, boss still tried to make me go in despite the fact that I was physically unable to do anything. Didn’t go in and now don’t want to finish my last 2 weeks.

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