
Need your guys help in getting a mental health break at my job

Basically I need a pic of someone’s positive cov test so I can fake call in sick without losing my job. Story for anyone that cares: I have a lot going on in my life and been wanting to quit my job due to mental health, on top of that last night I discovered that there are bed bugs going around my apartment building and are coming in my unit now. I was already wanting to fake call in sick so I could mentally recover for some days but now I’m gonna have to put a ton of time and energy I don’t have into dealing with this problem at my apartment now as well. My boss is not an understanding person she’s a huge bitch and fires people if they even put in a 2 week notice. She has targeted/bullied me before because my mental health was too much…

Basically I need a pic of someone’s positive cov test so I can fake call in sick without losing my job.

Story for anyone that cares: I have a lot going on in my life and been wanting to quit my job due to mental health, on top of that last night I discovered that there are bed bugs going around my apartment building and are coming in my unit now. I was already wanting to fake call in sick so I could mentally recover for some days but now I’m gonna have to put a ton of time and energy I don’t have into dealing with this problem at my apartment now as well. My boss is not an understanding person she’s a huge bitch and fires people if they even put in a 2 week notice. She has targeted/bullied me before because my mental health was too much for me to stay there some days. I need to keep this job until I find something remote as I’m behind in rent and may get evicted soon but I just need some time off. If I ask my boss for any days off she will definitely let me go. If anyone can help me with the first step of my plan I’d appreciate it so much! Sucks life even has to be this way.

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