
Needing a vent – sick dog

I work in an industry that is extremely emotionally taxing and see shitty things on an almost daily basis. There is a high turn over rate and in my almost 4 years there, I’ve been on my team the longest and have gone through 6 supervisors. I’m lucky to have a wonderful support network, wonderful husband and three wonderful dogs, Petro who is 17.5 years old and has some health issues; Salsa who is a rescue and assumed to be 11 and in congenital heart failure; Avenger who is almost 8 and up until recently didn’t have any medical issues. We also can’t have kids so we treat our pups like they are our kids (as much as possible). Yesterday we were woken up what we thought was Petro falling off the bed. Turns out it was Avenger having an episode (we aren’t sure what actually happened, both the emergency…

I work in an industry that is extremely emotionally taxing and see shitty things on an almost daily basis. There is a high turn over rate and in my almost 4 years there, I’ve been on my team the longest and have gone through 6 supervisors.

I’m lucky to have a wonderful support network, wonderful husband and three wonderful dogs, Petro who is 17.5 years old and has some health issues; Salsa who is a rescue and assumed to be 11 and in congenital heart failure; Avenger who is almost 8 and up until recently didn’t have any medical issues. We also can’t have kids so we treat our pups like they are our kids (as much as possible).

Yesterday we were woken up what we thought was Petro falling off the bed. Turns out it was Avenger having an episode (we aren’t sure what actually happened, both the emergency vet and his vet couldn’t say as his vitals were fine and he returned to normal after a few hours). We were at the emergency vet from 6-10 then his regular vet at 130.

I texted the group chat in the morning that I was at the emergency vet with Avenger and wouldn’t be able to come in – I canceled all my meetings. My supervisor took forever to get back to me.

After Avengers regular vet appointment, I swung by my office to pick up my laptop to work from home. I had Avenger with me, who was now appearing fine.

I talked to my supervisor about working from home the next two days to monitor Avenger. Her responses were “he looks fine” and “if I would be able to do all my work” and pointed out how we are down staff as one has CoVid; two aren’t fully trained and one is on stress leave. I pointed out that only pressing issues are needed is to update ongoing information (this is behind for everyone) and a report for Tuesday, which had already been sent to supervisor for that matter three days ago and haven’t gotten it back. She acknowledged she is so busy that she hasn’t gotten around to approving it (bitch, what? – I said to myself).

It’s just so fucking frustrating. I’m a hard worker, always ahead of these “reports” that are needed; I’m at least 5 clientele over what I should be in numbers and that doesn’t even take into consideration the challenges of the clientele – over 60% would likely be in the “red zone”.

Our work from home mandates isn’t up until the beginning of April and even then we have the ability to do a day or two from home so this shouldn’t be an issue.

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