
Negative HR experience and 21 year old

Hello everyone. I had already written in this sub. I am 21 years old, I live in Italy and I have a computer science diploma and a specialization in digital marketing. Today I was interviewing for a digital marketing position in a medium to severe medical company that needed digital marketing. Today at the interview, the lady keeps saying “you are 21”, “you are only 21” and I say “ok”. He asks me questions about digital marketing like “Can you run an online campaign?” and then he starts telling me The whole interview was like this “how old are you?” “you are too young” “you are 21 years old” “your experiences are worth nothing” “yes well but you are only 21 years old” “Yes, ok you have done some work, but you have no experience, you are only 21 years old” She talked all the time, I didn't speak, I…

Hello everyone.

I had already written in this sub. I am 21 years old, I live in Italy and I have a computer science diploma and a specialization in digital marketing.

Today I was interviewing for a digital marketing position in a medium to severe medical company that needed digital marketing.

Today at the interview, the lady keeps saying “you are 21”, “you are only 21” and I say “ok”.

He asks me questions about digital marketing like “Can you run an online campaign?” and then he starts telling me

The whole interview was like this

  • “how old are you?”
  • “you are too young”
  • “you are 21 years old”
  • “your experiences are worth nothing”
  • “yes well but you are only 21 years old”
  • “Yes, ok you have done some work, but you have no experience, you are only 21 years old”

She talked all the time, I didn't speak, I just said “Yes ok”

I finished school 1 month and a half ago and I have experiences in digital marketing for unpaid internships that WE ARE OBLIGED TO DO, BUT THEY ARE NOT VALID FOR ANYTHING

After all the sentences he asks me.

“How much is your financial request?”

And I embarrassed and disappointed from the moment I said “I don't have a financial request” and she replies “Ah well sure what a stupid question you have no experience” teasing me.

What would be my fault in all this?

That I am 21 years old and after the studies and the little experiences I have done I want to work?

Honestly I would have preferred him to say to me “You're not the type we're looking for” or something and not all the time telling me that I'm 21, I have no experience and makes fun of me.

Yesterday when he phoned me he says “I read from your CV that you are 21 absurd”.


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