
Negotiating salary/benefits

I am terrible at negotiating salary. I wasn’t taught this skill growing up and now, deep into adulthood and my career, it is definitely a weak point. I want to switch jobs and had a first interview. The salary is at the very bottom of what I’m willing to accept ($60k). If they offer me the job, what is the best way to ask for more? My second interview is very soon. If they ask if I’m willing to accept the salary while we are face to face, what is the best reply? I’d really like to end up around $68k. Is that too far off from what they want to pay? Anyone have some good key phrases? My sister says because I am female, we are expected to accept what we are offered but need to learn to ask for our worth. I do agree, but it’s hard for…

I am terrible at negotiating salary. I wasn’t taught this skill growing up and now, deep into adulthood and my career, it is definitely a weak point.

I want to switch jobs and had a first interview. The salary is at the very bottom of what I’m willing to accept ($60k). If they offer me the job, what is the best way to ask for more?

My second interview is very soon. If they ask if I’m willing to accept the salary while we are face to face, what is the best reply? I’d really like to end up around $68k. Is that too far off from what they want to pay?

Anyone have some good key phrases?

My sister says because I am female, we are expected to accept what we are offered but need to learn to ask for our worth. I do agree, but it’s hard for me. I’m afraid of asking for too much where they don’t even want to negotiate. Any and all ideas are welcome for the proper negotiating keywords, etc.

Does HR offer low and assume you’ll ask for more and leave themselves some wiggle room to go up? This is a huge company.

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