
Nepotism and the workplace

My work hired someone new. His parents both work at directorate levels at this company. Very high up. He fucks up things and where I would be written up – his mistakes (big ones) gets swept under the rug. “You’re so doing so good, buddy!!” I just stay in my lane, but it feels illegal. I just have to stuff it in the “shit I can’t care about” cupboard and do my own thing. But man it steams my chilis sometimes!

My work hired someone new. His parents both work at directorate levels at this company. Very high up. He fucks up things and where I would be written up – his mistakes (big ones) gets swept under the rug. “You’re so doing so good, buddy!!”

I just stay in my lane, but it feels illegal. I just have to stuff it in the “shit I can’t care about” cupboard and do my own thing. But man it steams my chilis sometimes!

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