
Never appear happy in front of your boomer boss.

They associate happiness with slacking off in younger generations. You can cut your workload in half if you want, and they won't fucking notice, but LOOK STRESSED…all the time. If they ever ask how work is going, you just sigh and tell them how you are killin' yourself for these customers. Use their own god damn stupidity against them, and say shit like, “I just wish this generation understood the Ronald Raegan value system that my parent's instilled in me”. If there is a scab at your workplace, you need to start saying shit like, “I don't know if has an honest Christian work ethic like the rest of us.” AND SHOW solidarity. The boomer will expect one of you to become quartermaster and start feeding information to them. Pretend to be this person and then tell the boomer all about how hard you are working. Tell the boomer (s)he…

They associate happiness with slacking off in younger generations. You can cut your workload in half if you want, and they won't fucking notice, but LOOK STRESSED…all the time. If they ever ask how work is going, you just sigh and tell them how you are killin' yourself for these customers.

Use their own god damn stupidity against them, and say shit like, “I just wish this generation understood the Ronald Raegan value system that my parent's instilled in me”.

If there is a scab at your workplace, you need to start saying shit like, “I don't know if has an honest Christian work ethic like the rest of us.”

AND SHOW solidarity. The boomer will expect one of you to become quartermaster and start feeding information to them. Pretend to be this person and then tell the boomer all about how hard you are working.

Tell the boomer (s)he is lucky he hired so many hard workers and compliment them on their hiring. You went to another store the other day and couldn't believe all the millennial employees standing around.

For some reason, if you show up to work 10-15 minutes early, boomers really appreciate it, even if you don't do shit the rest of the day and suck at your job. They will remember you being there early.

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