
Never been in this situation and need help

So a few months ago we (My 2 kids , their dad (30)and I (f 28) moved to Florida . I was expecting to be back at work by now but I’m not (I haven’t worked in about three years. ) While my bf took a huge pay cut from what we’re used to living on times have been tough even though we have 2 decent cars (his truck is paid off but now he’s paying off my Kia ) and a nice apartment but we barely have leftover money for groceries and gas so my bf has to skip on health insurance until November which also means my kids won’t have insurance either (I’ve been on my parents insurance my whole life and I just aged out on June 1st so I no longer qualify) . We’ve been together for 10 years (we aren’t married) and have never needed…

So a few months ago we (My 2 kids , their dad (30)and I (f 28) moved to Florida . I was expecting to be back at work by now but I’m not (I haven’t worked in about three years. ) While my bf took a huge pay cut from what we’re used to living on times have been tough even though we have 2 decent cars (his truck is paid off but now he’s paying off my Kia ) and a nice apartment but we barely have leftover money for groceries and gas so my bf has to skip on health insurance until November which also means my kids won’t have insurance either (I’ve been on my parents insurance my whole life and I just aged out on June 1st so I no longer qualify) . We’ve been together for 10 years (we aren’t married) and have never needed government assistance ,but now I’m really thinking we need it for food and insurance (just for me and the kids though not my bf) until we figure something else out soon . So I was wondering how I would word that on the paperwork ? because i have to put him down that we’re living together since all the bills are in his name and they have to know how I get my bills paid but if I apply with him on the applications I feel like I’ll automatically get denied because of how much he makes even though we are not married . I just don’t know how to explain my situation I’ve never ever done this before and I feel like I’ve failed my family by not contributing financially

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