
Never been promoted in the civilian world. I always stay the pawn.

And I’m sick to death of ppl telling me it’s my fault. I’d internalized societies morals and ethical codes. I BUSTED my ass at my jobs, to no recognition. And I constantly stated I wanted to move up at my job. And all I’ve ever got for it was bullshit, stalling, lies and more bullshit. If there’s no fucking way advancement is earned, than what is work so glorified for? Hierarchies extract from the bottom to the top. Who else wants to bring it all down?

And I’m sick to death of ppl telling me it’s my fault.
I’d internalized societies morals and ethical codes.
I BUSTED my ass at my jobs, to no recognition.
And I constantly stated I wanted to move up at my job.
And all I’ve ever got for it was bullshit, stalling, lies and more bullshit.
If there’s no fucking way advancement is earned, than what is work so glorified for?
Hierarchies extract from the bottom to the top.
Who else wants to bring it all down?

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