
Never work for Petsmart

I’ve wanted to post this for a while but wasn’t sure if I should or not… Until a few days ago. I’ve worked for this company for seven months and can say they humiliated me several times over. To start things off, I’ve worked retail for close to a decade now. I’ve seen and done things that would make people quit on-site. I’ve decided I had enough of retail and want to try new avenues considering I have a diverse work history prior to my time in retail. Another thing is they told me on my hiring date I will be making above minimum wage due to my experience, and not to discuss my wages with other people. Huge red flag, but it made sense bc they hired based on experience. The first humiliating thing was the fact they had no mens uniforms when I first got hired. I figured…

I’ve wanted to post this for a while but wasn’t sure if I should or not…

Until a few days ago. I’ve worked for this company for seven months and can say they humiliated me several times over.

To start things off, I’ve worked retail for close to a decade now. I’ve seen and done things that would make people quit on-site. I’ve decided I had enough of retail and want to try new avenues considering I have a diverse work history prior to my time in retail.

Another thing is they told me on my hiring date I will be making above minimum wage due to my experience, and not to discuss my wages with other people. Huge red flag, but it made sense bc they hired based on experience.

The first humiliating thing was the fact they had no mens uniforms when I first got hired. I figured I would get one eventually, since COVID screwed up supply lines so I wasn’t worried about that. Well, it’s now June and I got hired several months ago. I’m still wearing it to work. I was literally being paid to cross-dress.

Red flag 2 was When I first got hired, I was hired for pet care, something I know a lot about considering I’ve had them all, ranging from tarantulas to bearded dragons to fish and even have a dog I take care of. I was told I’d be transferred over there after the holiday season ended(I got hired in November so it made sense). No big deal, that meant a transfer at the beginning of 2022.

Well, it came and went and me being chill about the whole thing kept hope that I’d be transferred. Some people got hired, and were supposed to work cashier, considering it’s their first job and don’t have a whole lot of experience. This is the part where I started to lose hope; I watched them get transferred to pet care within a few weeks, where I’ve been waiting months. I was demoralized and shrugged my shoulders and stayed on as a cashier. This isn’t the first time I’ve worked a job filled with empty promises, but I figured the extra money I was being paid was worth it.

Don’t worry, it gets better! /s

It’s now June. I just received my mens uniform after complaining about having to cross-dress. What’s more is I was told I’m finally being transferred, but realized it’s only because they had no choice as a couple people working pet care put in their two weeks. I was finally thinking to myself “finally, it was worth the humiliation! I get to work with animals!”

They hired another new-hire and trained them immediately in pet care. I don’t start training until a few weeks from now. After that, I decided I’ve had enough humiliation. I put in apps to several jobs nearby that will be a better fit for me and as soon as one of them gets back to me I will be putting in my two weeks.

TL;DR- I was humiliated for several months because management was being two-faced and kept giving me empty promises. Don’t work for Petsmart, it’s not worth the humiliation.

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